Ahad, November 28, 2010

I found a reason to make this

I finally found a reason to sew a baby gift set hihihi. Why do I need a reason to sew yerr?.. Kerana tak mahu menyemak dalam tong UFO.... can that be a reason... apa2 lah kan.

This gift set comprises of a baby shoe.. chomel gitu, a bib, and a blanket.
My roommate asked whether I want to pay them (the baby and the family) a visit or not.. emmmm I am a bit reluctant to go and visit a baby born as at now... it was a very heartbreaking when people keep on asking why do we have Izzah only... kenapa tak menambah anak lagi????
Boleh tak if I answer like this... giving a life is non of human bussiness....

A simple coin quilt for the blanket. I really excited about the free motion stitching. The result is awesome...

The back view of the blanket, i used white flannel.. rasanya sesuailah untuk selimut baby kan.. soft to the baby's skin

I would love to sew this again... and if you find me a reason, for me to sew it again hahaha, please email me ok.


Sabtu, November 27, 2010

Hati yang berbunga bunga...

Revisit my few months back project... Its really takes a longer time for me to finish it.. as I am not that confident with the free motion footer again... (after my cushion cover project) bila fikir pasal quilting jerr.. aduhhh malas betul... I would rather patching than quilting.

But then, when I start to do it last night.. piece after piece.. I found that I am now quite in control of the stitching.. no more 1 inch stitch hahhaa.... mula2 tuh memang masih ada yang bersegi2, towards the end, I improved a lot (terperasan kejap).. yeyeyeye.. I love free motion 

So this is my first ever a wall hanging quilt... sorry gambar melintang ler kan... nak upload gambar menegak tp asyik failed jerr.
Zoom skit on each applique.. macam biasa, yang simple simple ajerr.. kalau complicated sangat, takut tak siap..

My sincere comment on my carftwork here, I made a mistake in choosing a checkers print for the border... so nampak sangat herot-herot tu kan. I am supposed to use my polkadot print.... but apa pun I am proud of if, I take it as an art of learning then..

Another story... for the first time I went to Daiso, eventhough its only 20 minutes driving from my home. We were heading for Ikea actually, but divert jap ke Daiso.. emmm macam2 ader.. bestnyerr... 
I also bought pinking shear from Ikea... ahh penat sungguh. Yang dicari adalah divider for our living room, but after depth thought of it, we decided not to take it hahaha..

Till then, byeee. Selamat berhujung minggu semua.


Khamis, November 25, 2010

Home improvement--- kotak tissue---

These few days I kept on trying what ever tutorial that I am interested on, found on the net... kekadang pening jugak nak pahamkan tutorial ni. Terutama those with a different languages, no any English, No Malay, not even Arabic.. hihii macam paham sangat Arabic kan... lamanya dah tinggalkan Arabic nii. But I notice that... walaupun I have been neglecting (appropriate word ke niii) Arabic Language since long, I think 9 years back agaknya.. but still when I read the Quran, I can still understand the meaning. I can still get the feeling of the message behind it. Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah kerana saya berpeluang mempelajari Arabic since I was 13th.. but my daughter is much more luckier than me, she learn arabic since standard 1.. Cerita pasal bahasa plak kan. full stop.

Last night I was doing something from my very own.. dari takde template, ambil kotak tissue tuh dan ukur and come out with my own template. Tak abih2 dengan kotak tissue kan... arituh untuk kereta, now untuk rumah plak... My idea is to save the tissue box and just use refill....can be called a Green Project by ME hihihi.. here is my tissue holder in green

This is the second version... I saw my lace remnant... tepek je lah kat sini..
Memang senang sangat nak buat tissue holder ni.. I start at around 8.30pm last night, with the drawing of template etc etc.. and finished these two at 12.00pm.. ye la.. in between ada jugak buat kerja lain... basuh ketam n sotong beli kat pasar malam semalam... kemas dapur etc etc.. Its ok to be busy with so many thing, kalau tak asyik ingat Izzah jer hehehe. Budak tuh pantang di ajak balik KL.. keluarlah hujan dengan ribut taufan... Seronok betul duduk kat kampung... plus bole peluk mak (my mum) malam2 before tido yerr...

Terasa panjang plak bebelan saya arini.. till then ADIOS


Rabu, November 24, 2010

Sarubobo plushies plakkk

Seronok tengok plushie cute mute ni kat rumah Mairuru...
maka kalau tak try tuh.. bukanlah aku tuh kut hahaha.
Lunch hour aku makan cepat2, maka sempat ler aku belek2 tutorial n buat yg ni. Tapi topi yg cekelat tuh agak besar ler plak kan. Yg hijau tuh plak terbesar badannyer, terpotong square plak badannyer. Tu yang chubby sgt tuh haha

Buat plushie ni reminds me of my childhood.. mak buatkan patung dari perca kain and letak kekabu didalamnyer.. uihhh jgn tak caya, mak saya yang tak pernah tengok any tutorial dari internet bole buat plushie untuk kami.. dah almost 30 years back rasanya.
Masa tuh, lampin kain adik lah jadi mangsa, jadi lampin kain plushie saya... lepas tuh main pondok2 bawah meja... dan pernah jugak, arwah abah buat pondok untuk burung merpati, bila burung tuh dah mati, saya pulak yang mendiami pondok tuh. Siap gantung bunga dlm pasu lagi tuh... nostalgia semuanya. Anak saya plak, walaupon duduk dikampung dimasa cuti sekolah macam sekarang ni, takde lagi dah nak main pondok2. Selalunya main komputer games, or tengok channel 613... petang2 baru g naik basikal or main badminton... emmm zaman sudah berubah.


Lets get organised.. A Fabric Box

Bizi kee or bizi body emmm... kengkononya saya ni bizi kat office, tp sempat jugak melilau sana sini di ruangan maya ini. Sbb tuh masa rehat lunch hour, malas nak walking out of office to buy food, rupanya blogwalking memanjang hihihi.

Itu yang terjumpa pelbagai resepi baru.. mcm  projek saya mlm tadi.. A fabric Box from Mairuru's house.
Wahh banyak tutorial kat situ yg teramat menarik nak dicuba. First time jumpa Japanese blogging in English and saya tengok memang orang2 Jepun kreatif betul (orang2 kita pon sama, tp mungkin dah selalu jumpa, taklah jakun sangat hahaha)

My own Fabric Box ni taklah secantik Mai punya, and offcourse saya machine stitch jer. Kalau tengok tutorial tuh, dia hand stitch.. wahhh rajin betulkan Mai nii.. semua handmade handstitch, cantik2 plak tuh.

bolehlah isi macam2... yang saya buat ni tecit jer. maybe next time bole bole besarkan lagi.... makin banyaklah barang bole isi hahaha

Masa saya dok browse gambar2 ni tadi.. terjumpa plak gambar kek gula hangus yang ditaburi kepingan badam yang saya buat masa raya haji arituh.. aduuhhhh.. terliur ler plak. Agak2 kalau malam ni buat kek gula hangus niii sempat kut. Terbayang-bayangkan krup krap badam tuhhh.. aduuhhhh

Jemput ler jamu mata dengan kek ni yer...


Selasa, November 23, 2010

Accordion Card Wallet

Purse making again...yang chomel chomel sajer
Its an accordion card wallet.. the tutorial that I found at studio-clip (again hahaha)
This is my first attempt sewing this kind of purse.. and the fabric was from Nykolett Curtain (again hihihi. Thanks Kak Ros.. kan dah ckp, project dengan scrap mmg cepat je jalannya...)

Lots to be improved... terutama on attaching bias tape tuh..

And here is another story.. I found this at the nearest DIY shop (the one that I bought my eyelet pliers before) and bought it... well at 30% discount offcourse I cant resist it. And thinking of making Cik Yam for another round using this heat resistance material. Nak tukar baru ironing cover pun possible jugak kan....


Ahad, November 21, 2010

My Le sac dress

Jarang-jarang sekali nak buat baju sendiri kan.. so to motivate myself untuk buat baju sendiri, maka saya join online dress class by Cik Zura @ AzimaDIY niii

Setelah 4 5 kali jahit inilah hasilnya.... hahaha dress ni nampak senang jer, tapi saya ni nak dapatkan dress yang fit to my body.. amboi amboi hihihi, selalu buat baju besar2... now buat baju tidur.. lycra plak tuh, haruslah fit skit kan.

Dah jahit siap2.. takmo pakai tali belit sana sini... kang masuk washing machine maunya terbelit semua baju kat dlm tuh hik hik.
Contoh bila pakai hehehe. nampakler mokcik ni kurus skit auwww

abih citer baju tido ku itew...
citer pasal dapur ler plak... pagi tadi no idea nak sarap apa.... last2 jadi mcm ni hihihi
Bun kismis.. resepi dari DTS, untuk kesekian kalinya. Tapi dah alter skit, isi honey gitu. Makin mabeles ler rasanya hahaha.. Izzah takde kat rumah niii saya jadi makin malas nampaknya kan kan...


Sabtu, November 20, 2010

Cloth Pad Review

I sew more cloth menstrual pads.. again... this is from my 5th version, the folded CP. I think this pattern fit me well.
- easy to dry
- no leakage at the wing side.. fully backed with PUL fabric that I bought from niceclothdiaper recently.
- the easiest pattern to sew
- love terry cloth (tuala). its a super absorbent fabric and easy to wash the stain.
Yer laaaa.. compare to other pattern I found before, I think this is the best.. kendian hari tak tahulah kan hihi.

I am promoting Cloth Pad to all women in the world. Jom tinggalkan disposable menstrual pad.. lets migrate to the new cloth menstrual pad...lets save our pocket, our planet and promote healthy living.

To those yang ragu2 nak menggunakan cloth pad but want to experience it yourself, or afraid that your spending is not worth it (I know that most CP is quite pricey), I can sew the pad for you with a minimal cost for you to try it on. Please bare in mind that I am not selling CP... just for testing only, if you find it ok, please proceed to buy it from those who really sell it... valid to those who has never used it before (how do I know eks.. I also dont know hehehe) email me for detail ok.


Jumaat, November 19, 2010

Welcoming Cik Yam to my kit chen

I was keen to try this pot holder from the first time I saw it at studio-clip. The tutorial is actually in japanese, and the truth is I dont understand any single word of it, except those in numbers. I print the pattern 125% of the original (assuming.. because I saw 125% in the pattern page)... and if any of you, my friend, who understand the tutorial and can read japanese, please correct me if I am wrong ok.

and yet.. I manage to finish my pot holder... introducing Cik Yams in my kitchen...

At the back... i am fully utilised my scrap...

And these Cik Yam dont have to worry because they won't ends up being one of Izzah's favourite dish ok hahaha... Izzah love anything about chicken.. Ayam goreng, ayam kurma, ayam kari, ayam masak merah.. kecuali ayam masak kicap... (I think I miss her a lot.. walaupon baru 2 hari dia kat kampung.. adeh)

Selamat berhujung minggu semua.


Khamis, November 18, 2010

Jom Share beli pattern


Berita terkini... Baru dapat tau dari blog sonice pasal 50% discount on all these keykalou pattern. Saya pun memang berminat sangat nak join the boat. Jom kita share2 wat pattern2 baru plak yer.

Saya minat ngan beg2 kat bawah niii...
.. yg ni bolehlah Izzah bawa buku g sekolah agama nanti

... yang ni bolehlah gantikan handbag saya yang dah terkopak sana sini tuh..
yang ni plak nak wat apa nii.. emmmm fikir duluuu

amboi banyaknyer angan angan saya yer...
Bukan apa, now Izzah dah dengan selamatnya duduk dikampung. Dia memang tak suka betul duduk nursery kalau cuti sekolah. Kat kampung bebas, petang2 main basikal keliling rumah mak. Ada kawan2 plak tuh.. sedara mara keliling rumah yg sebaya dia. Jadinya masa utk saya duduk kat sewing corner tuh lebih ler skit, bolehlah menghilangkan skit rasa rindu kat Izzah huk huk....

Cerita lain ler plak.. kang sedih plak den niii.. My another project with cotton linen..

Jangan lupa yer join beli pattern keykalou tuh...

Isnin, November 15, 2010

Nak buat macamana yer? Any idea

I bought this fabric online and received it with conteng2 kuning macam ni.
Sungguh kecewa.. I wash it twice.. berus.. sabun.. tapi masih tak tanggal.

Any idea tak?

This is not from any blogshop that I have mentioned before. this is my first time buying from the shop. Ahhh tak lah obvious sgt tppppp such a beautiful fabric.. tp mata ini sakit.


Ahad, November 14, 2010

Drawing a Hexagon? Tutorial

I was sitting quietly at my sewing corner and thinking of a bag design.. a simple square patchwork, or maybe a triangle.. and why not a hexagon... banyak cerita hexagon niii

I remembered during my school day.. back to 1990's, our SRT's (Sains Rumah Tangga) teacher tought us to make a pot holder using hexagon. What I can recall was... I fell in love with all the patterns (not only hexies) in her guide book and wish that one day I can have that book for myself.

My hexies project during my confinement day... for my Izzah 8 years ago. Ada orang kata masa pantang tak boleh menjahit.. betul ke eks.. My mum didnt say anything on it.

The main problem with hexies (my problem) is to draw the pattern. Selalu herot sana sini. last2 bila dicantumkan ianya bermasalah pulak. But then entah macamana.. bila I kept on folding the paper.. I found that there is an easy way to do it... jom layan the picture.. I think the picture speak a thousand words of it... 

Camna? ok tak.. rasa mcm senang jer kan. Cuma make sure measure back each sudut. Kekadang masa potong tuh ianya lari skit few milimeter (uihhh keciknyer measurementkan hehehe)