Isnin, Mei 30, 2011

Another Pink & Blue

Presenting a baby quilt pillowcase in blue n pink....

Tema gegurl n boboy....binding with simple embroidery stitching

Siap sekali dengan fitted bedsheet... but without the pillow, only the pillowcase hehe.. eksyen jer gambor ni kan
Quilting & patchwork ni sungguh mengasyikkan... dan saya ada beberapa projek yang dalam pembikinan.. harap boleh siap this week. Sementara budak manja sorang tuh kat kampung ni.. as usual.. cuti sekolah jer balik kampung.
Eh.. u all ada masalah tak nak komen di blog orang lain eks... lately ni, saya memang ada masalah kalau nak tinggalkan komen kat blog kawan2 semua.. so I do the blogwalking as usual, but cant leave any comment, wasting my time betul kan...

Rabu, Mei 25, 2011

Cloth Pad.. Pantyliner : The 6th Version

Introducing my new cloth pantyliner in d'hauzzzz

its actually from this pattern, dah lama print, tapi belum terbuka hati nak try.. rupanya senang banget. Dah tuh, chomel plak... dah tengok ramai orang buat pattern ni, baru terkedek-kedek nak buat wakaka. I am using flannel for these two

Dah tuh syok plak buat pattern niii..
yang ni saya gunakan flannel/cotton as backing, top dengan bamboo fleece dan bamboo jersey. Actually tersalah beli, nak beli bamboo velour, tapi ter order jersey plak. But no regret, bamboo jersey nii ala2 t-shirt, and so soft as compare to fleece or velour. Sangat sesuai as top, next to our skin.

I added embroidery stitching, tapi belum berani buat contrasting colour, nampak sangat herot nyer nanti hahahaha

A Cloth Pad Exchange

Salam semua..
Apart from the GA parcel that I received on Thursday, that made me feeling lucky
 I also received this... (made me even luckier hahaha)

A very creative cloth pad by Anic
Yezzz.. we are on an exchange program... A Cloth Pad Exchange
Rasanya CP paten ni memang sesuai untuk wanita bekerja, whereby they can change the soaker (betul ke dipanggil soaker yer??), tetapi masih menggunakan pad housing (macam henpon plak ada housing hahahah-this is my own term) yang sama. Jimat sikit penggunaan PUL fabric yang mahal tuh kan. Tak perlu ada banyak pad housing pon, sebab ianya senang kering (hanya ada lapisan PUL dan one layer of cotton), brilliant creation Anic. I really love this pad, cant wait to test it.
To Anic, I might one day sew this pattern, hopefully its ok for you (minta izin awal2 :) wink wink hehehe).

~Human are born to learn~


Selasa, Mei 24, 2011

Feeling lucky..

I am feeling lucky with these treasures......

GA from Rosh
GA from Zara
TQ Soooo much for the lovely GA... Nak buat apa eks dengan fabric niii... emmmmm tungguuuuu


Isnin, Mei 23, 2011

Terkenang semasa dulu..

Salam Isnin semua (with a tired looking sunburned face hehehe)
I was away from home since 20th to 22nd May.. jauh kedalam hutan belantara (cheewah.. ala2 ayat tipu jer tuh). Its a teambuilding session for our Department and I am one of the committee in charged and also a participant

Dah sekian lama tak buat aktiviti niiii, ketaq jugak lutut ahkak, tapi jangan tak tau I am the first person (excited sebab dah lama tak buat)
Image : google
Bila buat aktiviti tali ni, teringat plak my old school activities...

Image : google

Image : google
At last dapat jugak sijil menyelamat menggunakan tali dari JPA3 Malaysia. Fuhhhh setelah berderai airmata bila kena buat spider repelling (turun menggunakan tali, but kepala dulu) huwaaa huwaa..
all i can remember was the world was upside down..

Teringat plak aktiviti2 lain.. terutamanya yg ni
Image Google
The first and second time kami ke Langkawi, hanya menggunakan kayak, from Kuala Perlis. The third time plak kami berkayak dari Thailand, I cant recall the place.. then ke Pulau Panjang (masih dalam Thai), then baru masuk ke Langkawi. Teringat saat2 itu, boleh senyum sorang2 tau.. akibat latihan kayak yang berterusan, lengan pon dah ada muscle, but now yang ada hanyalah lemak tepu uhuk uhuk.. only the fourth time merasa naik feri..

Satu lagi.. berbasikal...
Image : Google
Kami jelajah selatan semenanjung dengan basikal tau... macam2 cerita ada.. siap kena ribut taufan kat pantai PD, at last tido dlm air jer hahaha

One day nak scan in semua gambar2 lama, yg comot2 dulu.. kasi refresh balik, tengok betapa slimnya daku dengan hanya 42kg.. now oh my, when I am looking at my latest picture, I really need to go for diet..

This week.. no sewing activities, putting my NV50 on rest for a while...


Khamis, Mei 19, 2011

A Boxy Bag (A tutorial & Pattern)

I am looking for something that can fit my tupperware... a square bottom bag is the best answer for it and something like the Noriko bag pattern is very much easier to sew.
So semalam saya try buat satu square bottom boxy bag, saya panggil boxy sebab ianya ada iras2 kotak skit hehehe

So here is the pattern.. sorry  for no printable pattern, it just that I dont know how to attached a pdf pattern here hahaha silly me.. plus malas nak cari.. but the detail measurement is here, you can draw it on your own..

You need to cut:
4 Outer fabric
4 Lining fabric
4 thin batting
And 2 bag strap : 16 inch each

Susun fabric luar, lining & batting, then jahit dari atas sampai bottom of the bag.
You will get something like this, then buat untuk another couple
Cantumkan kedua-duanya, saya jahit dari bawah, supaya the bottom match together

Ok.. dah siap body untuk bag kita.. cepatkan
then boleh proceed jahit untuk lining, sama jer mcm body
Lekatkan button & bag strap, dan cantumkan lining dan bag body
Dah siap tuh, top stitch keliling bag jadilah camniii, ops lekatkan butang jangan lupa yerr

The bag bottom... its square
Kalau nak simpan, kecik jer jadinya...
Jom pergi piknik.. hehee
Thinking of a smaller pattern, boleh isi lunch pack kan...

Kalau try beg ni jangan lupa link to me yer.. teringin juga nak tengok hasil jahitan uol..
BYEE Happy Sewing


Kit GA from Stitching Cow

An awesome giveaway from Lenna Green of Stitching Cow, to help celebrate the launch of her free block of the month quilt program in conjunction with Homespun magazine

All these will be yours. woohooo

worth $248!! wow

Details of the GA? Please visit here


Rabu, Mei 18, 2011

Rancangan tergendala..Aktiviti dapur..

Hari nak cerita topik lainlah plak. no more cerita pasal craft. Kita cerita pasal aktiviti dapur plak..
Dah lama saya tgk entry Blended Orange Cake ni kat DTS.. alaaa kat blog abg mat gebuz kita tu lerr. Macam senang jer kan, bahan2 pon ada kat rumah.

Maka saya pon mengoperasi ler, dengan bantuan chef kenit kat rumah tuh. Kengkonon nak tolong, tolong memenatkan lg ader ler. Makan jadilah jugak Blended Orang cake nii

Kek ni agak kering tapi sedap..Izzah pon selalu dok ulang makan jer.. tapi macam biasa, walaupon satu adunan kecil ni, tak habisnya kalau kat rumah kami yg ada 3 orang jer ni. Sedekah ler kat taska yerrr.

Semenjak Bread Maker ku ini mengalami masalah mental, memang baking project terus stop. Oven pon dh berbau ikan jer, sebab selalu bakar ikan jer, roti dan kek dah tolak tepi...
Izzah plak dah menuntut pau coklat dia... malas nyer nak menguli pau, adunan pau ni keras dari roti ayoyoo
Tengah survey BM niii, kat sogo ada BM Kenwood BM250 & BM450, kat JJ plak ada BM350 dan BM250, tapi takde stok plak. Satu lagi ada brand Elba, tapi daku tak yakin sangat ngan Elba niii, kang sama jer macam BM Empress ku itew... Ada tak sesapa pakai BM yg lain eks.. boleh share kat sini tak?



Selasa, Mei 17, 2011

oh baby baby

Spending this whole morning sewing this..
Its a flannel panel bought from Maymay Shop, turn into a baby blanket

Thought that this blue green theme will suit both baby boy or girl... but then.. a bit surprised, its only for baby boy... dah tulis besar2 "BOY" kan... camana nak gegurl nak pakai.

I added an embroidery stitching at the binding.. tapi tak clear sangat, maybe I choose a wrong combination of thread. Tengok dekat2 baru nampak hahaha

Blanket ni akan di hadiahkan kepada my SIL, yang bakal melahirkan  this coming June. Harap semuanya selamat yerr.
I have one more panel with this print, if anyone interested, please email me. At first I thought of making this blanket for me, but since I am  not going to use it, I am offering it to those who are interested in it.



Isnin, Mei 16, 2011

Yummy Itty Bitty

Its a yummy itty bitty dress for the lil Alia.
and its a free pattern from MadebyRae, thanks to Sue MyBotang for her suggestion to use this pattern for my newborn niece.. The pattern is soo small, I enlarged it a bit eventhough I know my lil Alia will takes a bit longer to wear this, hopefully in 3 months time she can wear this.. terus jadi baju raya hahaha

I have added a ladybird applique, and pleated the skirt

Dan ada lagiiii.. to match to this beautiful dress

Hopefully Alia will love to wear these.. and the kakak cant hardly wait for the school break, boleh balik kampung and jaga Alia hahaha.. she is soo happy with her lil cousin..



I see Blue.. I see Pink..

Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan semua, salam ceria, salam bahagia, hello, hi..
(I am really in good mood)
Sebab apa saya gembira sangat arini eks..
Sebab hari ni saya cuti.. cuti dari bekerja dan hanya lepak2 di rumah huhu.. jarang2 sekali, biasanya bila cuti jer mesti balik kampung or go for holiday.. stay at home memang the best
Sebab lain adalah... saya menang giveaway from Zara FabricCase... Saya sungguh bertuah lately nii, arituh menang GA from Rosh, now Rosh n me menang GA Zara plak.. pasni pasni apa plak haha
Ada jugak sebab lain.. huhu.. last year saya keep on complaining about late refund from IRB kan, but this year they are so efficient, the deadline is 30th April and on Saturday 15th May, saya dah dapat refund.. fuhhh thumbs up..(ahaaa dont ask me to belanja yer... duit tuh dah abih whoooppp.. habis beli AHB - dont ask me ok ke tak, I am just trying)

Dan bila lepak2 kat rumah nii... apa lagi kalau tak mengadap mesin jahit kan
Another Noriko Bag in the hauzzz.. in blue n pink theme

I remembered Haida gave a link on tulip tuorial, but the comment deleted by blogspot during their maintenance... dont know why and I cant find that link anywhere (maybe if I am in the office I can search in the archive, but now I am at home)
So following that tutorial, i added a base to the bag.. nampak lebih cantik gitu.. another plus point is the pocket at both sides

And I also sew this pinky diaper bag.. just a simple diaper bag with a diamension of 11x9.5x4.5 inch.. padded with thin batting..
Enjoy viewing..
Esok cuti lagi kan.. We, Malaysians bless with so many public holiday kan. seronoknya
Selamat bercuti semua...

Update : TQ Haida for the link... the tutorial from Leen here


Noriko bag..

I sew this bag last night, after small party on Izzah's birthday (only three of us with a small cake-itu pon tak habis, camno nak kek besar2 kan)

It's a free Noriko Handbag pattern by LazyGirlDesign  The free pattern is no longer available.

Its really a beautiful bag, and cute also. I enlarged the pattern, still a small bag to me. Tapi bahagian dalamnya  agak besar.. its a square bottom bag.

Original pattern tuh tak pakai batting, tapi saya letak jugak batting nipis, nampak kukuh skit beg ni

And here it is my new sew hip, May edition. Nampaknya banyak projek yang boleh di cuba kali niii
~ the bamboo handle bag ni nampak comel, kalau takde bamboo,tukar  jadi strap biasa pon ok je kan kan
~ Reversible Children's Dress ni pon comel jugak, Izzah dah booking siap2 dah.. tapi kena besarkan pattern ler nampaknya, pattern ni utk 2T and 3T jer
~ Rucksack pon ok jugak..
emmm banyak benor nak masuk list, bila nak buat nyer tak tau lerrrr.. sebagai sumber inspirasi pon ok je lah kan 

Sejahtera untuk semua..
