Selasa, November 29, 2011

Blogger's BOM Quilt Along

Here is my Split Star November Block

You can find the tutorial from Stephanie here

Wanna join us? Please visit here


Isnin, November 28, 2011

Baby Quilt Set For Qistina Balqish

Another baby quilt set project completed.
Comprises of ::::
A Comforter + quilt travelling bag
A pillow with quilted pillowcase
2 Bolster with bolstercase
And a diaper backpack

Kali ni tuan punya sukakan warna pink.. so saya combine pink n merah.. nampak meriah gitu
At the back pon guna tema mickey n minnie

First time ever sewing a back pack, harap tuannya berpuashati yer...

Model kecik ni menggayakan backpack ni hehehe.. (pst pst.. agaknya dia akan minta satu tak eks hehe)

And here another tissue cover for car requested by mama Qistina in B&W theme


Jumaat, November 25, 2011

Blogger's BOM Quilt Along

Thinking of the fun making a new block every month takes me to join this Quilt Along by Jackie of Canton Village
Today, I manage to catch up with both block
Here is the September block
And here is the October block
And today, the November block should be on board..

Interested to join? please visit here


Selasa, November 22, 2011


Currently I am hook with my new Quilts & More Winter issue.. and on my way back to office just now I saw this British Patchwork & Quilting Nov 2010 issue selling at RM8.. apa lagi.. rembatlah terus kan
So now I am full of new pattern to try yet too liltle time to sew.. camna tuh?
But really.. looking at the mags make me feel good.. really good hahaha

And also looking at additional fabric in my stash.. ohhh feel good. Takde kerja lain kan... menjahitnya lembab sakan (the forex rate dah naik, its a fullstop to US online shopping already)
Bila saya menjenguk blog kawan2 yang tersangatlah aktifnya dengan pelbagai projek, saya rasa teramatlah jeles nyer. Bila eks saya ada masa untuk menjahit dan menjahit.. tanpa ada gangguan, dan tanpa rasa penat. Emmmm in my list now...
1. Queen size quilt for our bedroom
2. Dining chair cover and table cover
3. wall hanging yang ntah bila nak siapnyer tuh
4. Table runner for coffee table and dining
eks eks.. semua projek untuk diri sendiri, dan semuanya keep on the waiting list..

Ok cut the dream & back to work 

Happy Tuesday friends...


Ahad, November 20, 2011

Another ending of Sunday

Another completed project.. opss bila belek2 gambar ni baru teringat something, the quilt travelling bag lom siap lagi hahhaa.. ok jap lagi sambung ok.

Sangat suka dengan pattern ni

Bantal dan bantal peluk

Small gift from me.. a bib and shoes(on quilt backing)
If you notice this is my first time using pestel colour for my quilt. Atas permintaan customer yang sukakan pestel colour. Hope you like it

In addition.. here is my first ever diaper changing mat with wipes holder.. using tutorial from CluckCluckSew here, but offcourse dengan sedikit penambahan..

Saiz changing pad ini adalah 18 inch x 29 inch, dan ada extra pocket, foldable macam ni..

Untuk changing pad ini saya menggunakan fleece kat tengahnya, soo soft compared to using batting.

Kenapalah masa Izzah kecik2 dulu saya tak terfikir nak buat changing pad seperti ini yer... mmg creative betul orang yang came with this idea. Diapers, wipes etc can be stored in one place and neatly put in your diaper bag. Sangatlah sesuai dibawa kalau pergi shopping or even long journey travelling.

All this from online order.. dan saya berterima kasih kepada Nurul kerana memberi kepercayan kepada saya untuk menjahit baby set ini.... Hope you like it


Ahad, November 13, 2011


Too many to tell.. too lazy to write..
So layan gambor je lah yerr

Addition to my stash
Cantik tak? Rasa puas hati bila tengok fabric cantik2 camni.

And today, because of I hired a cleaner to clean my house (for the first time hik hik).. I rearrange my stash. fuhhh.. full loaded, and more to come. Bulan ni nafsu membeli tersangatlah tinggi, I kept on ordering the fabric designer from US.... help meeeee

New magazine in dhauz.. I didnot renew my subscription to Sew Hip and Quilt & More, but I subsribe to this instead.

Dah jatuh cinta lah kat pattern niii...

An this is a diaper stacker for my friend..

Actually i am now working on 2 sets of baby quilt.. Tapi no story on it yet. Ada 2 more to go.. a diaper backpack and a diaper travel mat... got to go...

Happy Clean Sunday.. hahahaa.


Selasa, November 08, 2011

Salam AidulAdha

Salam AidulAdha to all of you my blogger friends. Harapnya belum terlewatlah yerr..

Alhamdulillah, setelah sekian lama teringin nak korban, tahun ini kami 7 beradik semuanya menunaikan ibadah korban sekaligus. Cukup2 7 orang untuk satu ekor lembu mak. Alhamdulillah.
Dan sambutan raya kami pada kali ini betul2 sederhana. Setakat masak rendang, nasi dagang, nasi impit dan kuah kacang.. nothing more. Kuih2 raya pon tak banyak dan tidak ada sesi kunjung mengunjung pon. Setakat seorang dua tetamu terdekat sahaja.
Dan semalam.. dah balik ke KL and today dah pun bekerja.

Happy working Tuesday frens...
