Isnin, Januari 31, 2011

Bermalasan dengan my NV50

This weekend was really a tiring week-end for me. All the laundry work, cleaning, sweeping, everything.... almost dying of exhaustion... saya tipu.. if that actually happen, you wont see this posting then hahaha...
Aghhh.. I wish I had a helper on this, but...

So nak layan penat ni dengan "Mary Stayed Out All Night" pon tak best.. the internet connection was so slow, a 10 minutes video takes 1 hour to download aggghhh.. makin tension ada ler.

Activity menjahit pon dah takde sangat, dont know what to do then... tempahan kawan2 pon dah disiapkan.. so nak buat apa yerrrr..

Haaaa It seems that I have accumulated lots of small scrap.. this scrap I cut it into triangle.. and tadaaaaaa
A patchwork coaster....

Below one is for my hubby... for him at his office..

Seronok jugak menjahit tanpa arah tujuan, just sew it hehehe.. theraphy for tiredness

And today.. already 31st of January, cepatnya masa berlalu....
I am counting my wrinkles then hahhaa

Ahad, Januari 23, 2011

Love and hatred story of crayon

I hate crayon... dari kecik sampai lah dah tua bangka hahaha. but the art teacher insist her to bring crayon to the art class.. sigh.. so nak tak nak, suka atau tak.. kenalah jugak belikan

But I love making a crayon roller for her.. This is my simple crayon roller.. made in less than 2 hours.. hopefully she like it

This belongs to....
Jangan sapa-sapa curik tau hahaa

Today.. In the afternoon I went to one of the book shop at Wangsa Maju.. see what I got from there...

This mag not only focus on sewing, but more on all sorts of DIY project..
There is no pattern included but they include the detail measurement and we can always draw the pattern on our own based on the measurement given

Sharing with you some of the DIY project inside the mag..

I saw only one copy of this mag... emm mmg susah nak dapatkan magazine craft  ni kut. Even the seller takut nak beli banyak2 agaknya, takut tak terjual plak nanti kan.

Selamat kembali ke OOOOPISSSS -esok-::::: sighhhh
Can the time flies slowly over the weekend :-,

Sharing idea on lycra piping..

Just wanna share my idea on how to fully utilised my lycra fabric scrap..
I am using my pinking shear to cut 1 inch of piping here..

Then just fold it and sew it to edge of your blouse etc. I am using a zigzag stitch here
Here it is... finished already..
I really like the outcome, easy peasy some more. Here is another one..
So kalau ada banyak lycra lebih buat tudung tuh, dont thrown it away ok
And here is my 2nd Boho Tunic hehehee.. projek mengabihkan my lycra remnant jugak nii yeeehaaa


Sabtu, Januari 22, 2011

Line up pliz..

Salam semua. rasanya dah lama sangat tak update blog ni kan.. ada ke kawan2 yang masih sudi berkunjung kesini agaknya.

Emmm camtuh lah blog kraf, kalau takde hasil, tak de update lah nampaknya kan. Tak kan nak copy paste orang punya hasil usaha plak hehehe. For me blogging is like my journal, so tak perlulah nak berblogging kalau takat nak copy anything from others and put it as my entry, eventhough I link it to the source... emmm apa-apa ajelah.

This few days.. walaupon diam-diam, tapi ada hasil tau hahaha..

Inilah dia... my first ever diaper bag, agaknya the last jugak kut hahaha
Bukan serik tapi betul2 complicated, nasib takde tersalah potong kain, ayam bertelur aku menetas ada ler jugak banyak kali hehehe

Dikelilingi poket.. senang nak masuk apa2 kan....

Ini bahagian dalam.. berzip dan penuh dengan poket jugak hehehe.. It should be called 'A Full of Pocket Bag" instead of a diaper bag hahaha.
The first time I used canvas in bag making. Good thing is I dont have to iron on any interfacing, not even the batting... senang kerja skit tapi canvas ni keras betul, susah nak terbalikkan..

To match with the bag... here is the diaper stacker
Option untuk sangkut pada tombol pintu or boleh jugak di ikat pada baby cot

Here is another baby gift..  requested by hubby for his officemate.. emmmm semua pasal baby kan. Entah bila nak buat untuk diri sendiri, asyik buat untuk baby orang je kan.

Special note to my beloved Izzah, So sorry.. umi tak kenal semua ini when you were born... (She keep on asking me whether I made all these for her when she was a baby hihihi 

Dah lama jugak nak buat sesuatu for myself... here are my simple butterfly tunic dress and also Boho Tunic in blue..

First time ever using a template.. its from Sew Hip, I used lycra cotton instead.. emm I really like lycra cotton, the fabric wont fray.. without serger pon bole buat baju ni tau

Wahh panjang betul cerita petang ni yerr... Have a good weekend to all...

Isnin, Januari 17, 2011

Jealous???? Not anymore

Adakah saya masih jeles? tidak.. tidak lagi...
Jeles kat sapa pulak nii kan... emmm kat sapa lagi kalau tidak kat tinihani.
Apsal plak saya jeles kat tini kan... hehehe.. tiap2 bulan tengok entry tinihani pasal Sew Hip memang saya jeles betul. merata saya cari, kat Borders, Popular.. semua tak jumpa. Agaknya saya dah terlewat kut, dah disambar orang..

Now tahun baru dah mula, kuota buku dah back to RM1k yerr (kuota book deduction IRB lerr apa lagi...)
So saya dah boleh membeli, melanggan my own Sew Hip.. yabedabeduuuu

Alang-alang... langgan setahun teruslah kan, dapat jugak 10% discount, and thumbs up to Allscript for their first class service... I make order and paid on Wednesday, and the mag reach me on Saturday.. cepat kan... even local mag pon takes about 2 weeks to process our subscription. So kalau sesapa yg teringin nak menambah koleksi dan jeles macam saya (or jeles kat saya hihi), bolehlah melanggan online jer kat Allscript kan.. dah berangan nak menambah Quilt & More plak niii... hehehe.. next month yerr... kuota RM bulan ni dah habis laa

Jan 2011 issue..
Macam-macam projek ada kat dlm ni.. Izzah pon dah booking (amboi-amboi budak sorang ni) nak dress mini chic jugak hehehe

Dah lama rasanya saya tak menjahit any cloth pad.. semenjak my friend and sifu of cloth pad ni menyepikan diri... Siapa lagi kalau bukan Anic. Bukan apa, takde inspiration hehehe.
Here are my new folded cloth pad and also pantyliner. The printed flannel remind me of you Anic... hehehe TQ. 
Agghhh mataku ini sungguh mengantuk, actually I am on MC today. Sakit tekak, batuk, selsema, sakit kepala... uihhh macam2 penyakit ler kan. Tapi kannnnn... cerita "Boys Over Flower" niii menyebabkan mata ku ini bagai ditongkat kuikui.. penyakit addicted to korean drama datang lagiiiii, waduh waduh 


Khamis, Januari 13, 2011

My Happy Day..

What a happy day todayyyy...

Semalam dapat hadiah giveaway.. jangan tak caya.. its my first time ever dapat giveaway.. its a heavy cotton scrap by Tini.. Yezzz I am always in favour of scrap, yang bestnya scrap ni besar2 plak tuh... emmm mokcik tgh pikior nak wat aper niii hihihi. Thank you Tini.

Some of the design that I received but banyak lg design kat bawah tuh sebenarnya...

And another updates on my fabric folding maniac hahahhaa.. here is my hexies flower..

Compare with the prototype using paper

And this picture below taken from the e-book that I have.. very neat, maybe after 100 flowers only I can be in this standard kut.. hahaha


Selasa, Januari 11, 2011

Fabric Folding : Anyone would like to try?? (with tutorial)

Remember my first trial in making a flower fabric folding here?
And now, I try to share with you on how to do it...

What I did first is to try on paper folding, but off course, its a different material and need a different approach, but its good to do it on paper so that we know how was the end result suppose to be..

What we need is a paper, cut into square, one thing to remember, the end result is half of the original square, i.e. if we use 6 inch x 6 inch square, the end result will be 3x3 inch square.

One piece of square fold into 2, then open it..
Fold each  4 corners
Then terbalikkan.. fold the paper as in the picture
Repeat step 5, 6 & 7  for each 4 corners
Then buka lipatan bahagian bawah.. tadaaaaaa u will get this..

OK now.. lets do it on fabric..
I am using a 6 x 6 inch cutting here

Fold each corner and fastened with a pin (picture C)

Then terbalikkan fabrik dan tandakan titik tengah seperti picture D (sila perhatikan titik2 oren tuh yer)
Gunakan jarum dan benang cantumkan titik tengah tadi seperti gambar E

Then lipat fabrik ke bahagian dalam, seperti gambar F dan jelujur kasar
Tadaaa.. dah siap.. macam senang je kan.. Then bolehlah ianya di iron, bagi kemas skit

Now dah boleh lekatkan border... for this one I am trying a mitered corner hahaha.. what a waste of fabric but the result is awesome,
Then bolehlah buang jelujur tadi, jelujur keliling sahaja, bukan at the centre of it tau..
Bolehlah kelim cantik2 kelopak bunga anda yerrr


Selamat mencuba yer.. and jangan lupa.. share your link with me...

 on 11.01.11

Isnin, Januari 10, 2011

Another home improvement weekend

Selalu cerita pasal weekend kan.. Nak buat macamana, weekdays are too short for me, days in days out. Pagi  hantar Izzah ke sekolah then pergi kerja, petang balik, ambil Izzah dari day care, cook for dinner, then having dinner together, then helping Izzah with her homework.. then goes to sleep at 9.30pm... and every day is just the same day... My craft project pon takat separuh jalan jerr...

I have one more thing to do in my list, which is my friend's diaper bag, she just deliver her 4th baby in the family last week and its a boy. Congratulation to you Aisyah on your bundle of joy.... remember the baby set in red in my previous post... that one meant for the baby boy....

But still I am not in a mood of sewing a bag now, due to my serger is not working well.. apa kaitan entah, tapi bila serger tuh but hal, I am not in mood to do anything that need detail attention.. just nak buat something yang simple jer.... Here is my table runner for our side table in master bedroom.. the idea??? came from my dear hubby... the purpose is to put in all the charger set when it was not in use.. and also bole jugak nak letak handphone, kunci etc etc...

The other side of it... yang ini pocketnya agak besar skit sebab cuma 2 pocket jer... opsss igneore gambar lelaki seksi tuh yer.. its Men's Health Magazine belongs to my hubby..

This is another project suka-suka lepas gian menjahit hahaha. Suka suka menampal scrap kecik2 and di jadikan coaster.. semuanya from scrap, even the batting, made from scrap that I zigzag stitch it together...
Felt like sewing something tonight, lucky that Izzah dont have any homework to do today... but I need to fix the serger aggghhhhh..

PS: reminder to me, for mesin jahit tepi Singer, sila gunakan needle that carry coding HA
