Isnin, Februari 21, 2011

My Personal Money

Sesekala saya rasa boring plak nak cerita pasal kraf... so hari ni nak cerita and kongsi kongsi pasal DUIT plak hahaha.. opsss pasal majalah duit sebenarnya..

Without fail, dah almost 9 years rasanya, everymonth we read this mag...
Lots of our decision, when it comes to money, we refer to this mag...
Its our family favourite mag... emmm r u planning to work on your golden years??? you choose to work?? or you are forced to do it emmm.. I can see myself working with my sewing machine, sewing something for my cucu2 hahahah

Money quotes this month 

And this article below.. may be relevant to some of the crafters here.. who really making money using FB... but not me hahaha.. I am a crafter for fun kikiki

and I usually love to read this kind of article by this guy..

Just sharing apa yang funny sangat tuh kan.......
* Some people say, " Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may still wind up in the starts". I dont know where they learnt their astronomy but aren't the stars a lot further away than the moon? So even if you missed the moon, there is no way you'll wind up in the stars. You're more likely to wind up back on earth* hahaha

*some people want to become rich but do not want to do anything different. Instead, they want to continue doing what they want to continue doing what they are currently doin, eventhough it is not bringing them the desired results.  That's like wanting to see the sunset but heading east to catch it... it just cannot happen



Ahad, Februari 20, 2011

Di Pondok Kecil...

Melayan perasaan skit petang niii.. perasaan geram kat broadband celcom ni.. kejap line clear, kejap slow bab kura-kura... orang nak layan drama korea pon tak senang gini... hehehe.. kerja membuang masa di hari minggu..

Then layan perasaan dengan pondok kecil ku ini..

Semakin seronok dengan stitch 16 niii.. rasa macam nak buat lagiiiiiiii

Note: This item will be added to mylilshoppe


Jom Jahit - Cooking in style... untuk pembantu dapur ku

Dah 2 kali skip JJ (Jom Jahit) organised by Tinihani... but bulan ni agak menarik, sukar untuk di lepaskan peluang ni. Bulan ni jom jahit Apron sendiri... yeaaahhh. Tapi saya bukanlah nak jahit untuk diri sendiri pon, sebab dah ada satu, cuma assistant dapur ku ini yang jeles dengan umi dapat apron baru arituh..

So inilah dia apron khas untuk si kenit penyibuk pembantu dapur umi.. as at now.. 12.30, rasanya dah 10 kali tanya dah, bila umi nak masak.. hahahhaa.. arini kerja2 measak umi akan jadi kalut senang ler nampaknya kihkih

Saya tak ikut mana2 tutorial, just buat jer ikut sesedap rasa.. Tali untuk leher tuh adjustable.. guna snap button camni..

Plus applique delicous cupcake niii.. yum yum 

Amboi sukanya yerr... gambar lepas aerobik.. naik basikal plak.

Dah lama benar tak join mass aerobik kat Tasik Titiwangsa ni, seronok plak.. Si Izzah ni cuma join bila lagu yang dia suka jer.. agak2 kat mana yer kalau nak join kelas aerobik eks? Terasa best plak join aerobik intead of jogging jer...

Selamat berhujung minggu kawan kawan... esok keje eks opsssszzz


Jumaat, Februari 18, 2011


What?? Sale???
Is it weird?
No, I hope not so..

This is actually my best solution to my biggest problem... so let me explain first what is my problem, I SIMPLY CAN'T STOP SEWING.. i am just that too addicted to my sewing project, do it once, and I want to do it more and more.. here what I had.. 

Actually I had more than these in one box, and its almost full.
So after thinking of what I need to do with all these.... emm maybe a giveaway, but despite having a popular blog, off course it will cost me a lot on posting fee (need to forgone more fabric then isk isk),  and after thinking and thinking, the best way is to sell it... just sell it off at my blog is the best solution for me as at now...

Here it is MY LILSHOPPE,, its really a small shop here, thats why I  decided to just open a new page, instead of a new blogshop. If you noticed, I had put in some of my works there already.. for the past few days...

Here are additional of it... jom layan ok..

Card wallet

Coin Purse
Coin Purse
Handphone Case

All handphone case/zippered pouch belows...

Pencil Case

Here are tissue box holder

 Dan tak lupa jugak... the recent one

But this one is not for sale.. this is for me.. its my first time doing this... mine always the first attempt.. bukan apa.. anything wrong with the work, I know how to fix it right... emmm that is the process of learning.

OK.. will update all this in my lilshoppe soon,


Selasa, Februari 15, 2011

Untuk si Chomel..

Salam MaulidurRasul buat semua Muslim dan Muslimat..
Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan mulia, Nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w.

Hari ni seharian kami bersantai-santai di rumah sahaja. Malas betul nak keluar atas sebab2 biasa... malas nak keluar duit hehehhee.
Cerita pasal duit ni kan.. Hari Sabtu lepas saya terkezut betul.. bila beli bawang putih dengan harga RM12.00 sekilo. So normally saya ambil 2 3 labu, kosnya dalam RM1.00 jer, but aritu kosnya RM2.40. Pastu beli sayur plak.. cuma 10 ketul bendi dengan sedikit daun bawang n daun sup, dan fish ball, cost me nearly RM5.. wow.. rasa macam nak cakap jer apsal mahal sgt, selalunya macam2 sayur saya beli baru RM5.. terasa betul tetiba saya jadi miskin kerana kenaikan harga. Mungkin kami yang takat 3 mulut sahaja satu keluarga taklah terasa sangat, tapi kalau famili besar mesti terkezut dengan perbelanjaan barang dapur bulan ni.. tak termasuk lagi barang2 lain. Haaa satu lagi, bila bayar parking fee kat opis arituh.. biasanya RM60 jer per month, but starting Feb, RM90 per month yerrrrr. Agaknya sewa tanah kat situ dah naik kut.. adeh.. makin miskin daku

Hari ni saya dok usha2 buat bende baru but end up banyak membazirkan kain
.. tak pelah.. cerita lain kalilah yerr

Nak citer pasal tudung si comel lah arini.... dah siap pon 3 tudung ni. Esok akan di hantar ke tuannyer.. hopefully tuannyer sukalah yerrr.. Harap2 bertambah comel ler tuan tudung niii.. Tudung ni sesuai untuk budak berumur 6 - 9 tahun..
And kalau ada sesiapa yang berkenan dengan tudung yang warna pink dan biru/hijau tuh, bolehlah email me, ada banyak balance kain lagi tuh... especially untuk tudung budak ler...


Ahad, Februari 13, 2011

Cantikkan passport anda..

Semalam pergi buat passport untuk Izzah... nasiblah orang tak ramai sangat.. tapi sampai ke Imegresen pukul 8.10am pon, orang dah beratur panjang, last2 kami dapat nombor 79... kira oklah, aircond pon ada, selesa menunggu. Last week saya pergi, dapat nombor 126, orang teramat lah ramainya dan aircond takde. Macam bersauna dah kat opis jadinya.

Balik rumah terus saya terfikir nak buat passport sleeve hehehe.. kalau pink mesti Izzah suka. Tambah plak baru dapat fabric pink ni from MaymayShop (just collected from the post office hehee). This is my first attempt.. senang jugak nak buat rupanya... tutorial from Bunnybun here

Then I modified skit... biasaler, kalau first time je ikut tutorial, 2nd time mesti nak modified jer kerjanya.. here is my first Quilt Passport Sleeve, the fabric is from CraftBuddy

And here are another... TWO

Mak aiiii.. berapa banyak plak ler passport yang saya ada kan haha..

Emm kalau ada sesapa yang berkenan dengan passport sleeve ni, two of them (the quilt passport sleeve) are meant for sale.. choices are yours.. please contact me ok..


Rabu, Februari 09, 2011

Practice makes perfect...

Special for my pretty baby.. Moga anak ummi belajar rajin2 yer.. kalau tengok pencil case ni mesti ingat kat umi tau..
Seronok Izzah dapat pencil case baru.. siap ada gambar Peter n Jane lagi hehehe (teringat ngan buku cerita Peter n Jane, very good for a beginner)
Umi memang rajin nak buat pencil case ni... sebab nak practice the new way attaching the zipper hihi. Semangat tengah menyala-nyala camtuh ler kan. Kiranya kembang setaman ler tengok hasil nyer menjadi hahaha... (control urself, jangan riak)

This is another version.. guna fabric from MyBotang.. yg beli ngan buku sekali arituh.. cantik bebenor mushroom niii

And this is another one... wahh memang pulun betul practising the zipper pouch hehehe

All in blue.. and I am over the moon..

Selasa, Februari 08, 2011

Experimenting.. (2)

My journey searching for a perfect (so called) zipper for pouch continued..
And I found this tutorial from Mountain Mom Report .. Its a very detail tutorial on attaching zipper (bukan cara biasa dalam lain2 tutorial yerr), the outcome is also very neat and nice zippered pouch..

I try to put it on practice last night and here it is..

The fabric I bought from Sue of MyBotang loooong time ago, but havent use it... macam biasa lerr sayang nak guna hihihi.

 I need to practice more on this method.. this small purse nicely fit in my hanphone. Sukanyaaa..


Ahad, Februari 06, 2011


Agaknya apa jadi kalau saya a fulltimehousewife yerr... agak-agak dari Font Normal ni.. jadi Font Large or Largest kut hahaha... bangun tidur jer dok fikir nak makan apa, kejap2 ngap itu ngap ini... kejap2 tengok blog resepi, dok terliur nak try itu, nak try ini...  4 hari cuti ni pon dah terbukti.. betapa cepatnya saya akan bertukar ke Font Large

Hari ini saya dok eksperimen macam2, ikut suka hati. Tempahan tudung sekolah dah siap, tengok dulu tuannyer kenan ke idok, baru boleh proceed dengan tudung2 lain. Yup, saya masih lagi terima tempahan tudung bagi yang berminat, tapi saya prefer with fabric instead of me, making a trip to Jakel lagi :(sigh

Eksperimen kali ini lebih kepada nak dapatkan the best method to attch zipper to a pouch/purse (gara2 kenan sangat2 dengan coin purse MyBotang arituh hehehe.. my story here), pastu nak try bag bottom kak Rozi macam kat sini. Inilah hasil eksperimen saya hihihi.. all using cotton linen.. kecuali coin purse tuh, just guna scrap jer.

My first attempt buat coin purse.. guna batting 150gm utk belah luar and interfacing tebal belah dalam...

I think its a total failure. Zipper pon tak nicely attched, plus tebal sangat ler plak.. bagi kat Izzah buat main je lah nampaknya hahaha

Next attempt.. guna batting 240g, lining saya guna heavy cotton tapi tak guna interfacing... emmm oklah, sturdy bag. agak kemas. Zipper still out I guess, tapi seronok dapat buat bag bottom macam ni... Special thanks to K. Rozi for the tutorial. But still kalau teropong betul2 ada ler serba sedikit kekurangannya...

My 3rd attempt.. using heavy interfacing kat luar, lining guna heavy cotton but no interfacing..

Emmm much more better, especially the bag bottom and the zipper. Plus wider space inside. Kalau guna batting tuh ianya nampak penuh skit sebab batting kan agak tebal.

Emm macam2 lah eksperimen orang yang takde keje kan. Nak keluar malas, bukan malas apa.. malas nak keluar duit hahaha... saving for next month...
