Selasa, Jun 21, 2011

Any Idea????

I wonder.. semua orang ke or only me?
I cant comment at any blog with this comment setting

see.. after masukkan google Id and Password pon.. apa ke halnya jadi anonymous plak

And kalau tuan blog tukar setting comment, immediately I can comment (this happen at Anic's blog).... aiyoooo
Agaknya ada apa yang perlu saya tukar tak eks? especially on my google id setting? Dah penat menulis komen di blog orang tapi jadi error camni.. daku tak suka.... nampak blogwalking session saya kena put on hold lah lepas niii... 

According to this article here
the best solution is....
In many cases, for blog owners reporting volumes of complaints from blog guests, we have simply recommended changing the comment form style, to use a full page form. Not all blog owners have appreciated this advice.

Many thanks to Anic for sharing this


23 ulasan:

  1. pc kena godam ke ni?

    masalah sy pulak, ada waktu2nya...dah type panjang2 utk new post, pastu takbleh publish pulak..terpaksalah pinjam pc org lain..baru boleh publish..

  2. kena hack kot.saya pula sekarang ini tak dpt masukkan add gadget utk javascript/html,bila copy tak boleh save..susah sekarang ni nak letakkan widget utk iklan,atau gambar disebelah blog..

    ‘Antara Kita’ lagu tema Stanza Cinta versi asal
    Norman Hakim dan Memey Suhaiza buat kad kawin

  3. Blogspot kak Mila, guna email Gmail ke, atau akaun lain?

  4. apesal pulak jd camni..blogspot punya hal ke? ala makcik mmg tak pandai bab2 nih...

  5. Ada juga dengar yang dalam bulan June ni, Blogspot hanya allowed orang guna Gmail dan bukan lain-lain account. Jika ye, kena tukar email rasanya...

  6. Mila,sabor aje..Happened to me sometime ago..lama jugak penyakit tu nak baik..kak rose langsung tk tau mau buat ape.Tk bole comment,tk bole update blog,gambar pun tk bole upload..Naseb baik bole jalan2 kat blog orang...Tetibe aje dah ok..

  7. it happened to me a few weeks ago,can't do anything.kena tgu a few days..then it back to normal..

  8. Testing....Hepi beday ( bole komen )

  9. You may need to do this to get rid of the problem:

    "The only real solution here, which will provide any long term consistency, is for all Blogger blog guests and owners to permit third party cookie access. Unfortunately, not all blog guests and owners are willing (or able) to do this, immediately. ..."

  10. ooooo thanks for the info Anic.. so far x penah plak jadi.. but at times after I comment then I trus tutup browser or move to another page, without realising that comment section a 2 parts - word verification as the next step.. aduuuuhhhh hilang everything... grrrrrr

  11. Shida... kat blog awak tuh kan.. dah banyak kali saya try post komen tp jadi camtuh ler... typer panjang2 pastu jadi anonymous.. geram betulll.... so far saya tak pernah plak takleh nak post new topic.. ntah apa jadilah kan..

  12. CTHoney, dulu2 selalu jugak saya terkena camtuh.. kalau nak add blig list pon x leh.. geram kan.. agaknya blogspot ni nak suruh kita migrate to paid blog kut

  13. Yati, masa first time akak create blog ni mmg guna yahoo, tp dah lama dah guna gmail...

  14. SCLover.. itu lerrr.. saya pon tak berapa pandai, surf kat google pon tak jumpa..

  15. Adilla.. rasanya mmg ada notification from google kan.. kena tukar to gmail

  16. Kak Ros.. saya kan.. selalu ke blog kak ros, tp bila komen, kut ratus kali log in pon masih lg anonymous.. geram betul saya... agaknya blogspot ni tgh mengong kut.. sabar sabar

  17. Lisa.. then it happen to everybody or selected person kut eks... ingatkan akak sorang jer yg camni

  18. mamikelate.. with this format or the full page format I think not affected, comment setting seperti yang saya tampal tu jer yg affected. so sama2 lah kita tukar setting comment yer hahaha..

  19. Anic.. thanks for the link. Now I know why you change ur comment setting after I told u that I cant comment on ur blog...

  20. Sue.. I pon selalu camtuh.. pastu dah malas nak retype.. just leave kuciwa (aku kecewa) hahaha

  21. Saya pon mcm tu...nak komen kat blog sendiri x boleh? org lain punya boleh pulak

  22. tyha.. lagilah teruk camtuh.. blog sendiri pon takleh komen.
    petang ni plak saya dah takleh nak upload gambar, lepas posting pasal CP td.. geram jerr

  23. tULAH MCM KELAKOR JE...TUAN PUNYA BLOG SENDIRI Guna ananymous...terpaksa letak inercel kat posting haishhhhh....blogspot blospot


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