I am looking for something that can fit my tupperware... a square bottom bag is the best answer for it and something like the Noriko bag pattern is very much easier to sew.
So semalam saya try buat satu square bottom boxy bag, saya panggil boxy sebab ianya ada iras2 kotak skit hehehe
So here is the pattern.. sorry for no printable pattern, it just that I dont know how to attached a pdf pattern here hahaha silly me.. plus malas nak cari.. but the detail measurement is here, you can draw it on your own..
You need to cut:
4 Outer fabric
4 Lining fabric
4 thin batting
And 2 bag strap : 16 inch each
Susun fabric luar, lining & batting, then jahit dari atas sampai bottom of the bag.
You will get something like this, then buat untuk another couple
Cantumkan kedua-duanya, saya jahit dari bawah, supaya the bottom match together
Ok.. dah siap body untuk bag kita.. cepatkan
then boleh proceed jahit untuk lining, sama jer mcm body
Lekatkan button & bag strap, dan cantumkan lining dan bag body
Dah siap tuh, top stitch keliling bag jadilah camniii, ops lekatkan butang jangan lupa yerr
The bag bottom... its square
Kalau nak simpan, kecik jer jadinya...
Jom pergi piknik.. hehee
Thinking of a smaller pattern, boleh isi lunch pack kan...
Kalau try beg ni jangan lupa link to me yer.. teringin juga nak tengok hasil jahitan uol..
BYEE Happy Sewing