Happy Monday friends..
I felt like sleeping, yup not enough rest on weekend.. maybe.. or too much rest ahahaha
It was really a busy dizzy weekend actually, we went down from Genting Awana on Saturday afternoon, after lunch. Then we took an hour or two rest at home before sending Izzah to her swimming class. After her class, all of us (me, hubby and Izah) dumping ourself in the pool for more than an hour.. fuh... best but penat.
On Sunday.. its laundry day hahaha... plus all the deferred housework to do huh.. tapi sempat jugak visiting our friends at GoGoBazaar at Sogo.. akhirnya jumpa jugak dengan Kak Jamilah
SCLover... kalaulah tidak kerana masa yang mencemburui kami (cheeewahh ayat pidato plak kan), tentu dah borak panjang. Tapi kami rushing ke swimming class Izzah plak, once again huh. Harap2nya cepatlah Izzah pandai berenang, no more commitment nak hantar dia ke kelas renang.
Bila dah tinggalkan rumah lama, mood menjahit pun sedikit down. Kena warming up niii.. ada 2 more baby quilt to finish by end of this month... plus a bag, plus plus plus... never be a minus kan
So sempatlah saya jahit 1 tudung untuk berenang, actually I bought a brand new swimming suit with head cover, but the old one dont have headcover, then I made one copying Izzah's swimming cap, nasib menjadi hehehe
And here is another simple bag.. a wet bag. Sangat berguna untuk bawa cloth pads..
This small size can fit in 2 cloth pantyliners or 1 cloth pad (depends on size) at a time
Its very easy to do.. semudah ABC hihihi
You need 2 pieces of waterproof fabric measuring 5.5 inch x 5 inch (or you can have you own measurement) - the waterproof fabric can be PUL, laminated or even oilcloth
Fold 1/2 inch and topstitch
Then stack it together, and sew
Turn the right side out
Topstitch the bag except the opening.
Then install a snap button, and its DONE
Very easy right...
The ideas of this bag is actually "stolen" from this simple bag made by my dearest Izzah for her Uno game.. This bag was not properly sewn, seh just sew what ever she like and it happen that this one was like a bag
She is now conquering my NV50, emmm kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi kan...
She sew on her own with my scrap, opss not the cotton scraps, but scraps that I made from making baju kurung or curtain. She is actually exploring all deco stitches in my NV50 and she is now can operate the machine on her own, only once a awhile she did call me incase any troubleshoot....
I made another wetbag with different sizes.. but not yet installing the snap button.
Thanks for reading...