To you Anasfadilah.. thank you sooo much.. I really love my new apron here hihihi. Kena rajin memasak ler nampaknya lepas ni. The best thing about this apron is, it is adjustable, so even Izzah pon bole pakai tau... (ada orang jeles umi dia dapat apron baru hihih)
And also not to forget.. thank you for the pin, ribbon, the felt brooch etc... tgk dalam gambar kat atas tuh.. macam2 ada yer... seronoknya. Thank you and thank you sooo much
Thank you jugak to Zura Lovemelot for organising such a happening event to all crafters in Malaysia..
p/s.. sorry lambat update. macam2 hal bila dah start sekolah ni kan... rasanya blog ni pon dah mula terabai.. NV50 pon dah terabai.. emmm
menang contest ke tu?
BalasPadamakak join crafty swap organised by Zura Lovemelot.. seronok tukar2 handmade craft dgn other crafters