Remember my first trial in making a flower fabric folding here?
And now, I try to share with you on how to do it...
What I did first is to try on paper folding, but off course, its a different material and need a different approach, but its good to do it on paper so that we know how was the end result suppose to be..
What we need is a paper, cut into square, one thing to remember, the end result is half of the original square, i.e. if we use 6 inch x 6 inch square, the end result will be 3x3 inch square.
One piece of square fold into 2, then open it..
Fold each 4 corners
Then terbalikkan.. fold the paper as in the picture
Repeat step 5, 6 & 7 for each 4 corners
Then buka lipatan bahagian bawah.. tadaaaaaa u will get this..
OK now.. lets do it on fabric..
I am using a 6 x 6 inch cutting here
Fold each corner and fastened with a pin (picture C)
Then terbalikkan fabrik dan tandakan titik tengah seperti picture D (sila perhatikan titik2 oren tuh yer)
Gunakan jarum dan benang cantumkan titik tengah tadi seperti gambar E
Then lipat fabrik ke bahagian dalam, seperti gambar F dan jelujur kasar
Tadaaa.. dah siap.. macam senang je kan.. Then bolehlah ianya di iron, bagi kemas skit
Now dah boleh lekatkan border... for this one I am trying a mitered corner hahaha.. what a waste of fabric but the result is awesome,
Then bolehlah buang jelujur tadi, jelujur keliling sahaja, bukan at the centre of it tau..
Bolehlah kelim cantik2 kelopak bunga anda yerrr
Selamat mencuba yer.. and jangan lupa.. share your link with me...
salam nice,,,,insyaallah ada masa terlunag pentang ni...akan ku cuba....hahaha
BalasPadamBestnya kalo dapat jahit..kalo bleh sume nak try...dapat buat project kecik2 pun puas...
BalasPadamooowwwwwwhhhhhh... (tengah melopong ni kak...)
BalasPadamcamtu rupenyer... sangat menarik.. kalo menjadi baru kita tunjuk ek.. hehehe
kreatif...tapi tak pandai lulu nak ikut..mungkin sbb takde minat..huhu
BalasPadamassalamualaikum..sangat halus dan teliti cara pembuatannya..syabas ya....
BalasPadamcantik! apa kata buat bentuk bunga ros pulak.. hehe
BalasPadamNieyza.. dah try nnt jgn lupa share2 yer.. teringin nak tgk jugak :)
BalasPadamNurazimah.. kekadang addicted ngan mende2 baru ni hihi..
BalasPadamZila.. try.. jgn tak try hehehe
BalasPadamLulu.. pokok pangkalnya mmg minat ler... susah2 pon boleh buat kalau minat
BalasPadamsahrom... mestilah.. dah namanya craft hihi
BalasPadamAinie.. tgh buat.. nnt kalau jadi akak share share kat sini.. tunggu
BalasPadamwahh.. ada jugak btk bunga rose tengah buat? best nih! ..nak jugak try tp (mcm biasa) tak tau lagi bila. hahahah..
BalasPadamtutorial ni saya link kat blog saya.terima kasih.