Hi everybody, happy Monday morning
It has been a long time since my last tutorial right, and today I'm happy to share with you another quick pick tutorial. Just a quick puff pillow. I spend less than 2 hours working on this and its really a fun sewing... a scrap busting project

It has been a long time since my last tutorial right, and today I'm happy to share with you another quick pick tutorial. Just a quick puff pillow. I spend less than 2 hours working on this and its really a fun sewing... a scrap busting project
What you need :-
Fabric A=16 pieces of 4.5 inches square
Fabric B=16 pieces of 4 inches square
1 piece of backing fabric about 14.5 inches square (not in the picture)
Optional : 2 inches ruffles or lace or you can also use piping
And not to forget : lofty fiber scrap from my previous project. Alternatively you can use loose fiber or kekabu
Sew Fabric A to B by making pleat in the middle ( see pic. above)
Arrange the square in 4x4 row and sew it together
Add the ruffles
Attached the backing fabric and leave an opening to turn the inside out(my backing is a 15 inches square, so its a bit bigger than it suppose to)
Cut a small opening at the back of each square(watch out for the front fabric) and insert the fiber
Insert all squares and turn the inside out.
Secure the opening by handstitch or you can also top stitch it.
Selamat menjahit dengan senyuman...
I am linking to:
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http://craftomaniac.blogspot.com/ |

comel...klu sempat.. boleh lah nak try...
BalasPadamRajin ..... Comel gak
BalasPadamapekabar kak mila?lama xberblogging..huhu.. comelnya kusyen ni.. nnti nak buat jugak lah..
BalasPadamNoEn, maksuhnya sini ada 2 backing, satu small square tuh untuk hold the fiber, then ada satu lagi backing, itu yang besar n bunga2 tuh
BalasPadamSalam Mila,
BalasPadamTerima kasih kerana melawat blog saya.
I will be at the National Textile Museum (NTM) (dekat Dataran Merdeka) on Saturday 15th December to conduct a workshop on a beginners' introduction to tatting.
My session is from 2.30pm - 5.00pm. This is a free workshop organised by the NTM, so space is limited to only 20 seats.
Kalau berminat, sila datang awal untuk daftar di kaunter NTM. Tak perlu bawa apa-apa. Keperluan untuk workshop disediakan.
Tq mila...tk penah terpikir nk recycle batting or guna kekabu buat puff cushion/blanket ! Ingat nk guna loose fiber jer... Now dah dapat idea..!
BalasPadamoo camtu rupanya nak buat. Musykil juga time bila dan camana dia masukkan fiber tu. Nice one, kak Mila. :)
BalasPadamSalam Jon Yusoff.. I would love to attend but I had planned a trip with my exroom mates earlier for the date.. ruginyerr
BalasPadammamikelate, scrap lofty fiber tuh memang tak tau nak wat apa kan... kalau fiber nipis boleh jugak buat pot holder... so now boleh buat clearance hip hip horey
BalasPadamYati.. dulu akak pun wonder jugak, tp bila tgk tutorial, pastu ada kawan2 kat FB share skit camna dia buat, baru dapat idea, terus buat tutorial ni supaya diri sendiri tak lupa hahaha
BalasPadamEcomel.. lama tak nampak online.. sihat ke?
BalasPadamKuazue & Suzie.. TQ TQ..
BalasPadamNi satu lagi projek mama ni teringin sangat nak buat...pattern dah jumpa tapi haih berangan pilih kain je berjam2 alih2 sampai sekarang tak mula lagi...tapi I really am intrigued with this type of quilt!
BalasPadamHad to read and reread some parts as agak-2 confusing.. theoretically macam dah paham.. but rasanya kena give it a try to confirm my understanding..
BalasPadamThank you for sharing Mila.. boleh bookmark this project utk buat masa cuti new year nanti.. cheap labour dah ada dah... heheheheh
I like it very much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013, Thank you¡¡¡