Another ready stock quilt in the house
On top of the world -map- hihi
Quilt size : 62 x 46 inch
All together you will get a quilt comforter, a kekabu pillow and 2 kekabu bolsters, plus the pillowcase and bolstercase, ready to ship
Price at RM250.00 RM220.00 inclusive of postage (post parcel)
OR.. if you are only interested in quilt comforter the price is RM220.00
OR if you are only interested in pillow n bolster + the case, the price will be RM55.00
Email me at for details ok.
Mila,kak nak tahu size of piilow....Lovely set...
BalasPadamKak ros, tq....
BalasPadamPillow tuh baby size 14x10 inch