
Khamis, Julai 29, 2010

How to choose a suitable fabric...just a Q not a tutorial

I made a card wallet last night (before I console my self by sewing the cloth pad)
I made a mistake (AGAIN!) in choosing the right fabric for it
It turn out to be so ugly... sila focus pada bahagian tepi tuh mmg dah tak boleh jahit dah.. sebab terlalu tebal. I used heavy cotton... previously (didnot show in any posting) I used light/medium cotton, it turn out to be so 'lembik' (the card insert area)... should i attach interfacing ke pada card insert tuh?

At last i donate to this place...(GGRRRRRR)
Please help me :-(
Mila@Rimbun with LOVE

9 ulasan:

  1. rasanya better untuk poket insert tu, better pki medium cotton/lightweight fabrik ngan interfacing sekali. just my opinion lah...

  2. cuba kalau designer cotton, sure tak donate kat ‘tempat’ tu kan... i think learn from experience is invaluable. now u know u cannot mix n match two heavy cotton together. akak pun dah try n failed miserably, tapi tak bakul sampahkan pun. Jadi UFO (UnFinished Object) kalau wallet, pakai medium weight or quilt cotton is OK. nak nampak kemas, pakai medium weight interface. My 2 cent worth...

  3. Janganlah buang... Poskan pada Sue boleh tak... ;)

    Sue tak pernah buat wallet lagi... Takde pengalaman buat wallet lagik...

  4. rasanya pakai interfacing la kak. kesian..penat2 buat cik tong pulak yg 'pakai'..

  5. mila. cuba kecilkan sikit basi kain tu, boleh tgk french seam. bila basi kain tu kecil, so taklah tebal nak jahit...

  6. skin letak double heavy weight interfacing. so kalo gne cotton biasa pon boley hehe pastu pastikan interfacing tuh kecik lg size dr kain. so bile flip xdela tebal sgt.. n bhgn bucu.. potong sket..

  7. Thanks for sharing this.

    I plan to make a wallet for my hubby using heavy cotton.. will let you know how it goes... :)

  8. Thanks all for the comments and suggestion.. dah buat yang baru, incorporate all comments here.. will share with you soon.. REALLY THANKS TO ALL

  9. jangan buang...! ;D
    boleh adjust lagi tu. kalau saya, saya guna heavy cotton untuk luaran, dalam lining dengan light cotton.. kalau guna light/ medium light cotton for both, baru letak interfacing. aa yang ni tetas, buat lain. nangis woo dia letak dalam tong ni..


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