Guess... are these two flowers or just one?
Well.. looking at the title you must have known it already right..
And here I would like to share the tutorial.
Things needed:
7 pieces 3.5 inch Square (you can have you own measurement, as long as its a square)
Thread and needle
If you had a craft glue then it would be much better.
Well, I think the pictures speak better than words..
Just pull out the fabric
Secure the back with stitch too
Here you are.... you have 2 choices, this side
or the other side
Here is my first trial.. using 6 petals only
And here is the 7 petals... the one that I made in this tutorial
Happy trying.. :)

You know what Mila,after looking at your tutorial i can see myself settle down with a big mug of coffee, a lot of scraps and a tall empty jar to be filled up with these beauties...thanx for sharing ya....
BalasPadamrajin sungguh makcik kita ni..hehehe
BalasPadamKreatifnya, cantik.
BalasPadamNice..blh cuba ni..tq 4 sharing ;)
BalasPadamyang ni mmg nak senang jer...insyaallah...
BalasPadamKak Ros.. like ur idea, letak dlm balang n then hias balang tuh cantik2... aishhh mcm nak buat banyak2 jer hehe
BalasPadamKH.. time rajin.. time malas hehehe tak nampak kat sini
BalasPadamSuzie.. kalau anak2 awak try mesti diorg suka hehe
BalasPadamKunang2, ziraziz, Nieyza... TQ soo much